Gero Buccs

Raise It

Watch the Buccs star Liam Hunt chat about the shave!
... And they'll do it again in 2023! The Fenix Geraldton Buccaneers are fierce competitors on the court, but they’re even more fierce when it comes to making a difference!

On the 21st May 2023 a few of the Buccs boys have put their hands up to get a new look all in the name of charity! There’ll be heads shaved, hair dyed, and a chest wax or two!

All funds from this event will go to Canteen Australia a national support organisation for young people aged 12–25 living with cancer. They connect young people with others their age who 'get it' and specialist staff who understand cancer's challenges.

The Buccs are putting their locks on the line, so show them some love and support today!

Stay up to date!

Follow the Geraldton Buccaneers on Facebook for more information on the fundraising events in the lead up to the Jeremy Morgan Golf Day + Great Shave!!

We’re standing up to cancer with Canteen

Thank you to my Sponsors


Great Shave & Wildcats Raffle

Fundraising money from Great Shave and Wildcats raffle


Brown 13



Proud of you all Buccs



For Jeremy's nephews, Oska & Ari, who also shaved their locks!


Cash Converters

Well done for putting your hair on the line for a great cause.


Larry Silvia

Fantastic win over the flames 🔥!!



Thank you to the Buccs for being ongoing supporters of an incredible charity!



Thanks for supporting a great cause 💖




Nathan Morgan

Thanks, Buccs!


Cam & Jenna Iaria





For Jeremy



For Jeremy

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