Viviane Nguyen

Raise It

June 23rd: marks my dads birthday, the day of my hair donation & the end of my fundraising journey.

This was my 3rd time donating my hair & fundraising for charities. 
2019: donated 40cm of hair & raised $1,873.31 for @varietyaustralia. 
2021: donated 42cm of hair & raised $5,011 for Canteen.

This year, within 4 weeks, we have raised a total of $6,690 (my goal was $5,000) for @canteen_aus to support young Aussies living with cancer. 

Yesterday I donated 36cm of my hair to @sustainablesalonsanz who will send my hair to be made into charitable wigs for people with medically induced hair-loss. 

Thank you so much to the 78 people who generously donated and supported me with this cause. I am so grateful for you all. Our small act of compassion & kindness will change someone else’s life. 

Thank you all again xo

Viv's Gift of Hair 3.0

Hi beautiful people! In 1 months’ time, I will be cutting & donating my hair to be made into a wig for people with medically induced hair loss. I will also be fundraising for Canteen (a charity very close to my heart) who provide support to young people who are living with cancer, whether it be their own diagnosis or that of a friend or family member. 

I lost my dad to cancer when I was 19 and struggled silently for years after because I felt I had to go through the grief process alone. With my pledge to fundraise and donate my hair every 2 years, I am hoping to spread awareness about the supports available out there and to make my dad proud. 

I have set myself a big fundraising goal this year, so I kindly ask for you to please help me help them, by giving whatever you can using the 'Donate' button. The more people that know about Canteen, the greater the impact, so please also spread the word by sharing my page with your friends and family.

Thank you in advance for your generosity! xo

Thank you to my Sponsors




Viviane Nguyen


Andy Lam


Chien Yung Lim


David Teo


Terry Phan


Tung Hoang

Proud of you


Helen Nguyen

Thank you for your compassionate heart . I wish you lots of luck and blessings.


Members From Quan Am Ni Tu Temple


Lonnie Nguyen

Always so, so proud of your compassionate heart my princess. Your dad is always looking and beaming with pride. Love mummy xxx



Well Viv, your circular surprised me. What a fantastic legacy your Dad has left you. So, be grateful for the massive eruptions In your life, because they're directly related to how strong you are and your enormous capacity to preserve.



Well done Viviane So proud off


Jock Nee Foo


Josephine Ratna

Very inspiring Viv.



Amazing Viv 💕


Lee Nguyen


Alan And Shirley

Send it



Well done Viviane, I know how much this hits home for our families. So proud of you and thank you for always being there for our family. You have a heart of gold, the world is so lucky 😅


Jasmin Barker

Well done Viv!!


Jess Mai

So proud of you & what you do for this cause 💜💜💜


Helen Nguyen


Hai Van Ha


Su Ba Phuoc Tri


Su Co Hanh Nguyen


Benta Tran


Hoang Phuong


Trang Nguyen


Natasha Tang

So proud of your kind deeds. 🌸







We’re behind you all the way! Xx Julie, Yan, Mia & Charlie




May Kee Cheah

Hoping this little token of me can make a change in people's life


Giorgia Christos


Phil David

Well done Viv!!


Alexis Swan

goooo gurl !


Lulu Kiss

Go Viv🥰


Anne Balmer


Patricia Lamsincho

Love your work. Keep it up.


Jessica Nguyen

Love you Viv always 🩷😘


Niamh Bannon

So proud of you! You go girl!


Imogen Hooke

You’re amazing Viv! Such an important cause💕



Always proud of you Ms V ❤️❤️


Kim Do


My Phung Doan


Co Dieu Vien


Brandon T

Well done Viv


Cau & Mo Ut


Quynh Hoang


Mayuree Nguyen

I am proud of you and I want to be part of the goodness you do


Tanya Thuy Ong




Hai Van Ha


Thuy Kim Nguyen


Cau & Mo Hai Yen


Jenny Raykos


Travis King

Good luck Viv 😊


Michelle Swiatek


Colleen Gay



Very proud of you xx


Chun Tan


Catherine Leong

Amazing work Viv! Doing such an amazing job to fundraiser for cancer x


Rosemary Ovenden


Mikayla Odwyer


Vivian D’almeida


Sharon Hindle


Olivia Foti

Congrats viv on succeeding and surpassing your fundraising goal!



All the best in your endeavours.


Irina Abramova




Joe Moss

You’re doing something awesome here Viv!


Dylan Hottiem

Awesome stuff Viv!


Reg Gregory


Fiona Millimaci


Louis Archer


Sandy Fox




Grandma & Grandpa


Rachel Hercock

You’re amazing Viviane!! X


Ann Chew


Su Abraham


David Nguyen


Barbara Mitchell

Thank you for your kindness Viv. Good luck for the next 2 years of growing your hair! Love Barb

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