Félix Laubi

Raise It

Radiotherapy done!!

Last day of radiotherapy was today!! 30 days done and I will never have radiation to the same area of my body again. Yay! It will take a couple months to know whether treatment was successful.

12 days until the triathlon and we are looking forward to race day. Training has slowed down due to fatigue and breathing issues caused by radiation, though I’m confident I can make it to the end of the run (maybe walking).

I started training for the triathlon as it would be a way for me to regain faith in my body’s strength after a year of sickness, treatment and healing. It has also allowed me to feel a bit more in control of my body in the uncertainty of treatment. Raising money and awareness for Canteen was actually a happy afterthought. We have made great progress so far and I cannot thank all our supporters enough. Thank you. 

Next Monday (20/2) Nick Yule and I will be on Channel 7’s the Morning Show which starts at 9am to share our story and Canteen.

How Canteen has supported me

First, thank you everyone who has donated so far! Your support means the world.

A year ago today I went to emergency and several hours and scans later my Christmas morning present was the words, “We have found a tumour in your chest”. In mid-January as I started my first chemotherapy a nurse from the Royal North Shore Hospital cancer centre asked if she could pass my details on to Canteen. I knew of the charity but not so much what they did specifically.

Shortly after, I was connected to my key worker who also acted as my counsellor. I’d never seen a psychologist or talked to a counsellor before. However, at the time I rightfully thought the stresses I was going through finally warranted having a separate space to express my feelings and thoughts. Since January I’ve frequently enjoyed my counselling sessions, at first they guided me through processing my diagnosis and my ‘new found life’ as a cancer patient. We have spent hours talking through my first failed chemotherapy, struggles in diagnosing my “ultra-rare tumour”, undergoing a big chest surgery and recovery, a new line of low-dose chemotherapy and targeted therapy that was quite successful until it wasn’t any more and now we still discuss my upcoming radiation. My fortnightly counselling sessions have been a huge part of getting me through my cancer journey so far and I’m sure they will continue to be.

Canteen has also connected me to many other young people affected by cancer. Whether it has been my the monthly nationwide patient/survivor drop in where we give each other advice or rant about spending hours in waiting rooms. Or local drop in events at the Sydney office in Newtown, during Vivid we spent an evening at the Taronga Zoo exhibit followed by dinner in the city. More recently I went on the summer retreat in Cairns visiting the Daintree rainforest and snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef. While the places that Canteen has taken me in such a short time has been amazing, the friends I’ve made through them has been better.

Your support to me and Canteen is greatly appreciated. Feel free to share my story and the amazing work Canteen does to anyone who will listen!

Felix Laubi

Triathlon for Canteen

Hi my name is Félix,

Diagnosed in December 2021, I am being treated for a super rare Sarcoma called an Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumour in my chest spanning my heart and left lung.

Early into my treatment, I reached out to Canteen for support in the form of counselling, meeting groups with other young patients and survivors, smaller events in Sydney and recently even a trip to Cairns, the Great Barrier Reef and the Daintree Rainforest. Canteen has been brilliant in connecting and supporting young people affected by cancer and while my journey is not over, I would love to give back to the great organisation.

Despite an unsuccessful chemotherapy, a failed surgery, another surgery that never came to be, and currently going through low-dose chemotherapy, targeted therapy and radiation I've decided that I'll put myself up to the challenge the Huskisson classic distance triathlon. A 1km swim in Jervis Bay, followed by a 60km bike and 10km run. However, I will not be alone. I will be joined by a group of friends who have supported me throughout my treatment and are now supporting each other through training. Thank you Charlie, Alex, Nic B, Nick Y, Jack, Sam, Harry and Christos.

Any donation and support is thoroughly appreciated. Feel free to keep up with our training progress through our swim club instagram page @motorboat.sc.

Thank you for reading, and for supporting my journey and Canteen.

Félix Laubi

Thank you to my Sponsors


King Street Gallery On William

Everyone’s race-good work Felix! x



Dear Felix, I am thinking of you. Your courage and joie de vivre are a great inspiration to all of us. Love Christine


Rebecca Zoppetti Laubi

Last day of radiotherapy. Thank you Félix for getting up every morning with a smile and going to your treatment with a spring in your step. Your energy and positive attitude are truly inspiring 😍


Pace Family

Felix, you’re amazing. Merry Christmas. With love the Pace’s.


Laurent & Andreas

Go Félix go!!! 👍🏼🏊🏼‍♂️🚴‍♂️🏃🏼‍♂️👍🏼 Laurent & Andreas


Austin Bell

Well done Felix!


Burley Family

Good luck Felix. What a champion. An inspiration to us all.


Vicky Cutler

With love the Cutler girls Go team Felix! Canteen is a brilliant organisation.


Fab K

Hop Félix! Je pense très fort à toi 😘




David Zoppetti

Dear Félix, You are daily in my thoughts. I admire immensely your courage and strength. When can I come and visit?


Andreas Laubi

Félix, our hero! Inspiring.



Encore un petit coup de pouce pour te permettre d’atteindre ton but!



De tout cœur avec toi, Félix! ❤️


The Lloyd Family

Best of luck Felix and team. Felix we’re all behind you in your fight. The Lloyd Family (Orson, Year 8)


Karina And Ric

Go, Felix! All the best for the race, and always.


Rebecca Zoppetti Laubi

Proud of your strength, resilience and dedication.


Rogers Family

Impressed. Proud. In awe. Well done Felix - to you and all the boys


P & T Artemi

You’re an inspiring & courageous young man! Wishing you all the very best!


Jo & Mark Merrick

Life is tough but so are you!!! Go Felix and team!!!!


Jackson Sumich

For someone strong and inspiring.


Saskia Rogers And Family

Best of luck, you’ve got this!


Ian And Louise Maitland

Go Felix and team. We love the spirit of what you are doing for Canteen!


Julia Sharp

Felix best wishes to you and your mates for your triathlon this weekend! Raising money for a great cause.


Howard & Gillian Kerr

Felix, we know that you are absolutely going to finish because you are a winner!!


Juerg Burkhard


Carolyn Ross

Go Félix!!


Craig & Catharina Poole

Legend effort Felix!


Lee-anne Hall

Very best wishes for reaching your goal Felix. Lee-Anne & Mark


Jan. Tony And Boys

You are a star! Have a great triathlon and go Team Felix.


Matthew Forrest

Great work Felix - your attitude is inspirational.


Karl Ivanusic

Wishing you all the best for the future.


Caroline Sims

Good luck. Wishing you well.


Kylie Morris

You are an inspirational young man in the Newington community, best wishes.


Josephine Mouhayet

Thinking of you


John Charles Stewart Bogle

Félix, we’ll done on your positive approach to this battle. You’re a real inspiration to us all.


Newham Family

Go well Felix! Hope you have carb loaded with gnocchi or pizza.....




Leonie Armstrong

You are always in my thoughts & prayers Felix.


Juerg Lauber

Great initiative, Felix! Take care, stay strong and keep going!


Cathy Smillie

Congrats for doing this Felix. Inspirational.


Sophie Thorens-aladjem

Forza Félix ! 😘


Nicola Pain

Amazing effort Felix!


Loughlin Nolan

Fantastic result so far, hope you get to your gaol.


Flex Body

Go Felix & the triathlon team! We're right behind you!



Inspired by you.


Emma Laubi

You're the best, so proud of you!


Christian & Cécile Girod

Your positive attitude is remarkable! 🤞for the triathlon!


Flex Newsletter Recipient

Amazing effort! All the very best.


Gordon Sue

Hi Felix. You’re such an inspiring young man and I’m proud to know you. I know this is the biggest battle of your life and you’re crash tackling it head on. Stay positive!


Albert And Anjali Napoli

Wishing you all the best Felix.


Lachlan Eyles

Let’s get it



Beware chafing on the bike leg, it is worse than anything else in this world. (Oh, maybe other than radiotherapy). Go well mate.



Best of luck from Japan


Olivier And Annette

I am happy to be contributing to achieve your goal! Best wishes and greetings from Switzerland!


Matt Bencsik

Felix you weapon.


Christie Cooper

Go Felix...you are all-round awesome and inspiring!




Ethan Merrick


Justin Raja

Wishing you all the best mate


The Burtons

Good luck! X


Ann Mills

Good luck Felix!


Georgia Kereopa

Great job


Mcdonald Family

Our very best wishes to you Felix for your journey at the moment and congratulations to you and your tri team.


Gareth James

Go well Felix. Enjoy the experience. Ive backed you for top 3!


Claude Bretton-chevallier

Félix, avec tous les tiens, tu es dans nos coeurs et nos pensées, Claude et Thierry


Joanna Miletta

You, Felix and your friends are an inspiration. I’ll be cheering you on.


Cheryl Priest

Sending you love and strength, Félix! I am so proud of you and also of your boys who are doing this with you.


Fiona Osler

Good luck Felix & team


Miles Parhash

Wishing you all the best mate


Faigen Fam

Felix, you are an inspiration!


Alison Lockhart

Good luck Felix and team


Félix Laubi


Mark Beardow

Cheering you on from the Beardows




Anne Mcdonald

An inspiration to near and far! Go Felix!


Karlee Dening



Enjoy the triathlon Felix! First of many!


Anne Casamento

Good luck


Matthias Laubi

Boy Warrior


Simon Smith

Hi Felix, hang in there. Clarissa survived a super rare sarcoma 11 years ago and is still going strong. Our thoughts and best wishes are with you, Simon and Clarissa Smith


Chris Fitz


Sam Merrick


Elsa Casamento( Aquinas)


Riley Nelson


Cindy Brown

Best of luck Felix and I hope you have fun doing this challenge


Isaac Edmunds

Well done mate! Extremely inspirational ❤️


Best Family

Wishing you all the very best Félix for the triathlon and your treatment. So so good of you to be giving back to Canteen xx


Mariana Ishak

You’re doing amazing! Merry Christmas 🎄❤️



All the very best for Husky Felix, it's a terrific event & challenge. Here's too much fun out there. So good to hear you've found Canteen a great support in your cancer journey. Wishing you well. A friend of Anne C's.



Keep it up! Inspiring story.


Kelly Mcdonald




Sharon & Brendan Morse

Felix your courage and determination is inspiring. Go Felix and friends!



Sending love and best wishes to you Felix!



Best of luck Felix


La Grande Emma Xx

Tu es incroyable!


Caryl Joseph

Go Felix! You’re an inspiration to all.


Rodney Silberstein

Go Felix! You're a true inspiration. Good on you. Rodney & Annie


Mardi Jarrett



So inspiring. Good luck with the training Felix!


Marcel Hächler

stay strong and get well soon


Emer Spiers


Lachlan Walsh


Gail Proctor

Stay strong!



Lets go King!


Karen Stacey

Wishing you all the very best.


Penelope Knox

the coolest cat out there!


Clint Crawley

Hi Felix, we had the pleasure of meeting you at the airport on your return from Cairns where our daughter Jemi was also attending the Canteen getaway. Our thoughts are with you and we are cheering you on. Thank you for being inspirational.


Izzy Ryan

Felix good luck for the weekend! You are amazing!


Isla Whitehead



Super proud and excited to see you smash it!!



Lessgoo - shoutout to felix and jack you got this go team !!




Bryn James


Gulia Schinella


Matthew Paine

Most courageous and positive person I know. Deserve all the support and more


Youlia Whitby

Stay strong.




Jemima Crawley

Go Felix! You’ll smash it!


James Artemi

So impressive and inspiring


Cat Denholm

Go team!



woohoo go felix!!!


Jess Daly



Sharada Joshi




Sarah Healy

Best wishes Félix, stay strong. Flex body member xx



Hi Felix I’m in bookclub with your Mum and met you at our Christmas dinner at your house in 2021. Congratulations on this initiative to help other people with cancer get the support you have found so valuable. Good luck with the triathlon. All the best Rosemary


Sam Magarey


Ben Dewhurst




Mattesse Kitchin

Best of luck Félix


Charlie Kairaitis

Onya mate!!!


Gina Bass



Best wishes Felix


Philip Langshaw

You’re the strongest person I’ll ever know Felix, congrats on your last day! You’ll smash the triathlon


Cara Blackmore


Rebecca Cushen

Hi Felix I read the article about you in The Age. I’m sorry you’ve had such a tough time but your attitude and determination is so inspiring! Wish you all the best for good health and happiness…


Woojin Lee

Love you brother ❤️ keep up the great work





Huski doesn’t know what’s coming!


Thomas Newham

Heroic stuff Felix, smash the triathlon!!


Olive Fitzgerald


Sally Thomson


Renate Harris


Hannah Bhindi


Emma Boylan

Well done Felix and team.


Lucy Faire

A great cause, well done for doing this.


Yanna Gralton




Bella Whetstone


Finn Hawkins

Goodluck with the tri mate, i’m doing it as well so hope to see you down there !


Alessia P

you’re the strongest person I know 👑👑 motorboaters ftw


Charlotte Eastlake


Eloise Knox


Ellie Graydon

You’ve got this!


Rosie Andrew




Mikaela Spillman


Bridgid Faure


Anna Moran


David And Pam






Harry Garofani

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